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Citizens League Phase 1 Report – St. Paul $15 minimum wage

Posted on: April 12, 2018


The Citizens League Phase 1 Report on a $15 minimum wage for St. Paul is now available:

Citizens League Report: Gathering Community Input on a Possible Minimum Wage Increase in St. Paul


The report is described as  “a scoping project regarding potential changes to the minimum wage in Saint Paul involves interviews and research with a diverse group of stakeholders. This pre-work could lead to larger potential effort in 2018 to answer these questions and propose an implementation plan for Saint Paul.”

Three key areas of focus were addressed in Phase 1:

Identify key questions. What are the critical questions that would need to be answered related to implementing a minimum wage increase in Saint Paul? What are the key questions that each of the important stakeholder groups needs answered

Assess data and research availability. What data and research currently exist to support an implementation study, and what is the potential for new research (cost, timeliness, etc.) that is Saint Paul specific?

Identify stakeholders.

Link to Additional information from Citizens League


On April 3, Mayor Carter held the first of many planned information sessions on $15 minimum wage issue. MetroIBA, along with multiple business associations, chambers, worker associations and businesses heard Mayor Carter’s view that “$15 minimum wage in St. Paul is not a question of if, but a question of when and what it looks like”.


MetroIBA is proud of our members who participated in Phase 1. As Phase 2 is defined, we will keep all informed and will work to provide opportunities and avenues of support to ensure our members voices and concerns are heard.


Posted in Advocacy, MetroIBA in the News, Newsletter

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